All Models

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Supercylinder ## Definition This supercylinder model is an implementation based on Maric $\textit{et al}$, 2017 (#reference-1). Its shape can be described by a superellipsoid (Barr, 1992 (#reference-2) as: ... Cylinder 09 Sep 2024 Thomas 0
Enhanced Ellipsoid Models for SasView These models are designed to handle the integration of the highly oscillatory functions more effectively. By dynamically adjusting the number of Gauss–Legendre quadrature points based on the specif... Ellipsoid 29 Aug 2024 davidnwobi 0
Enhanced Cylinder Models for SasView These models are designed to handle the integration of the highly oscillatory functions more effectively. By dynamically adjusting the number of Gauss–Legendre quadrature points based on the specif... Cylinder 29 Aug 2024 davidnwobi 0
Long Cylindrical Micelle Form factor of long-cylinder micelle based on J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 637±640 (Section 5 equation 15-19) Cylinder 08 Mar 2024 kiranvad 0
Cylindrical Micelle Form factor of cylindrical micelle based on J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 637±640 (Section 4 equation 10-14) Cylinder 08 Mar 2024 kiranvad 0
Spherical Micelle Form factors of spherical micelles based on J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 637±640 (Section 2 equation 2-6) Sphere 08 Mar 2024 kiranvad 0
fuzzy_sphere_extended Definition ---------- This model expands the fuzzy sphere model to include the high q contributions associated with density fluctuations from self-avoiding random walk polymers. The scattering ... Sphere 19 Jan 2024 kushj.patel 0
core_multi_shell_cylinder Core multi-shell cylinders or discs, may be used for multi-walled tubes or a stack of discs. This model will eventually be added to a Sasview release, there are still some (rather technical) iss... Cylinder 08 Nov 2023 richardh 0
Superball # superball model # Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically Definition Superball visualisation for varied values of the parameter p. This model calculates th... Sphere 08 Sep 2023 sasview 0
Octahedron_truncated_txtytz This model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a general octahedron with the possibility to be truncated differently along 3 directions (x,y,z). This model is constructed in a similar way as th... Parallelepiped 31 Mar 2023 Marianne.Imperor 0
Octahedron_truncated This model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a general octahedron. It can be a regular octahedron shape with all edges of the same length. Or a general shape with different elongations along ... Parallelepiped 31 Mar 2023 Marianne.Imperor 0
Rating Curve Hydrological rating curve. Definition ---------- THIS MODEL IS NOT INTENDED FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SAXS/SANS DATA! This model is in part provided to illustrate the utility of SasView as a fi... Other 03 Mar 2023 smk78 0
Pringle-Schmidt Helices This is the Pringle-Schmidt equation for fitting the helical form factor of an infinitely long helix formed from two helical tapes wrapped around each other at an angle $\epsilon$. The two helices ... Cylinder 18 Nov 2022 smk78 0
Lamellar Slab Partition Constant Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically This model (Tan et al. J. Appl. Cryst. 2022) provides the scattering intensity, $I(q)$, for a lyotropic lamellar phase, randomly ... Lamellae 07 Nov 2022 jnickels 0
Jeff's test model This is a test. This is only a test. Structure Factor 24 Aug 2022 krzywon 0
OrientedMagneticChains This plug-in model calculates oriented core-shell chains, with the option of adding a magnetic SLD to each layer. The chain scattering is the incoherent sum of a user-defined combination of sin... Sphere 21 May 2021 krycket 0
Magnetic vortex in a disc This model describes the approximated scattering of a magnetic vortex in a flat ferromagnetic cylinders made of isotropic material [Metlov2016]. The circular cylinder with radius $R$ and length $L$... Cylinder 10 Mar 2021 dehoni 0
Field-dependent magnetic SANS of misaligned magnetic moments in bulk ferromagnets For bulk ferromagnets, this model allows to analyze the field-dependent purely magnetic SANS. The misalignment scattering is obtained by subtracting the reference scattering at a high (saturating) ... Sphere 17 Feb 2021 dehoni 0
SANS of bulk ferromagnets This model is a micromagnetic approach to analyse the SANS that arises from nanoscale variations in the magnitude and orientation of the magnetization in bulk ferromagnets in the approach to magnet... Sphere 17 Feb 2021 dehoni 0
core_shell_ellipsoid_tied and core_shell_ellipsoid_repar Two methods, both requiring sasview v5, to produce a core_shell_ellipsoid with solvent in the shell. Parameters include the dry_shell / core volume ratio, the local fraction of solvent in the she... Ellipsoid 16 Feb 2021 richardh 0
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