Supercylinder -


.. image:: supercylinder_shapes.png
   :height: 150px
   :align: center
   :margin-bottom: 20px

This supercylinder model is an implementation based on Maric *et al.*, 2017 [1]_ . 
Its shape can be described via a superellipsoid (Barr, 1992 [2]_) as:

.. math::

    \left(\left| x \right|^{2} + \left| y \right|^{2}\right)^{t/2} + \left|\frac{z}{\epsilon}\right|^t \leq |R|^t

Setting $|r|^2 = \left| x \right|^{2} + \left| y \right|^{2}$, the radius 
$r$ of the superellisoid at a $z$ value can be related as:

.. math::

    r(z) = \left|R^t - \left|\frac{z}{\epsilon}\right|^t\right|^{1/t}

Where, $R$ is the radius at the equator, $\epsilon$ is the eccentricity and $t$ 
is the superellipticity. 

.. image:: 2Dplot.png
    :height: 150px
    :width: 50%
    :align: center
    :margin-bottom: 20px

The supercylinder model is based on the form factor amplitude for a cylinder 
with length $2R_{cyl}\epsilon$ and radius $R_{cyl}$: 

.. math::

    VF(q) = 2 \Delta \rho V \frac{\sin\left(\frac{1}{2} q (2 R\epsilon)\cos\theta\right) J_1\left(q R \sin\theta\right)}{\frac{1}{2}q (2R\epsilon) \cos\theta \ \ \ q R \sin\theta}

where $V$ is the volume of the supercylinder, $\Delta\rho$ is the contrast 
between the solvents and the particles scattering length density, and 
$J_1$ is the first order Bessel function of first kind. If the radius is 
$R_{cyl} = r(z)$ such that it changes with $z$, the small cylinders must all 
be integrated over the length of the cylinder. 

.. math::

    VF(q) &= 2 \Delta \rho V \frac{\sin\left(q R\epsilon\cos\theta\right) J_1\left(q R \sin\theta\right)}{q R\epsilon \cos\theta \ \ \ q R \sin\theta}\\
    &= 2 \int_0^{R \epsilon} 2 \Delta \rho \pi r(z)^2 \frac{J_1\left(q r(z) \sin\theta\right)}{q \cos\theta \ \ \ q r(z) \sin\theta} \cos\left(q z\cos\theta\right) q \cos\theta \ dz\\
    &=  \int_0^{R \epsilon} 4 \Delta \rho \pi r(z) \frac{J_1\left(q r(z) \sin\theta\right)}{q \sin\theta} \cos\left(q z\cos\theta\right) \ dz

Given randomly oriented particles, the form factor can be written as:

.. math::

    V^2P(q) = \int^{\pi / 2}_0 \left| \int_0^{R\epsilon} 4 \Delta \rho \pi \epsilon r(z) \frac{\cos\left( q  r(z)\cos\theta\right) J_1\left(q z\sin\theta\right)}{q \sin\theta} \ dz \right|^2 \sin\theta \ d\theta

which is solved numerically. Thus, the supercylinder model is given as:

.. math::

    I(q) = \text{scale} \ V^2 \ P(q) + \text{background}


The model is validated by using Shape2SAS (Larsen *et al.*, 2023 [3]_)  
to numerically generate simulated SAXS data for different 
supercylinders and fitting these with the model. This has been done in 
the range of $R \in [50, 100]$, $t \in [0, 50]$ and $\epsilon \in 
[0.5, 1.5]$. In these ranges, models with $t \ll 0.2$ are unstable 
and a lower limit of $t=0.2$ has been set. An example of a fit is 
shown below for $R=50$, $\epsilon=2$ and $t=3$ with given fit parameters 
and $\chi^2$.

.. image:: fit_50_2_3_2.png
    :height: 200px
    width: 90%
    :align: center
    :margin-bottom: 20px


.. [1] Maric, Selma & Lind, Tania & Lyngsø, Jeppe & Cárdenas, Marité & Pedersen, Jan. (2017). Modeling Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Data for Low Density Lipoproteins – Insights Into The Fatty Core Phase Packing And Transition. ACS Nano. 11. 10.1021/acsnano.6b08089. 
.. [2] A.H. Barr, III. 8-RIGID PHYSICALLY BASED SUPERQUADRICS, Editor(s): DAVID KIRK, Graphics Gems III (IBM Version), Morgan Kaufmann, 1992, Pages 137-159, ISBN 9780124096738,
.. [3] Larsen A.H, Brookes E, Pedersen M.C, Kirkensgaard J.J.K. Shape2SAS -- a web application to simulate small-angle scattering data and pair distance distributions from user-defined shapes. ArXiv [Preprint]. 2023 Jan 12:arXiv:2301.04976v1. Update in: J Appl Crystallogr. 2023 Jul 28;56(Pt 4):1287-1294. PMID: 36713243; PMCID: PMC9882588.

Authorship and Verification

* **Author:** Thomas B. Hansen
* **Last Modified by:** Thomas B. Hansen
* **Last Reviewed by:** Thomas B. Hanse **Date:** 08/05/2024

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad_vec
from scipy.special import j1
import time

name = "supercylinder"
title = 'Supercylinder with uniform scattering length density'
description = """
    V^2P(q) = scale * \int^{\pi / 2}_0 \left| \int_0^{R\epsilon} 4 (sld - sld_solvent) \pi \epsilon r(z) \frac{\cos\left( q  r(z)\cos\theta\right) J_1\left(q z\sin\theta\right)}{q \sin\theta} \ dz \right|^2 
    * \sin\theta \ d\theta + background
    sld: the scattering length density of the superellipsoid
    sld_solvent: the scattering length density of the solvent
    R: radius of the superellipsoid
    \epsilon: eccentricity of the superellipsoid
    t: shape exponent of the superellipsoid

category = "shape:cylinder"

single = True #READ ON THIS

opencl = False #No to GPU usage

structure_factor = False

#             ["name", "units", default, [lower, upper], "type","description"],
parameters = [["sld", "10-6Å-2", 4, [0, np.inf], "", "lipoprotein scattering length density"],
              ["sld_solvent", "10-6Å-2", 1, [0, np.inf], "", "Solvent scattering length density"],
              ["R", "m", 50, [0, np.inf], "", "The radius of the superellipsoid"],
              ["eps", "m", 2, [0, np.inf], "", "eccentricity of the superellipsoid"],
              ["t", "", 3, [0, np.inf], "", "shape exponent of the superellipsoid"]

def r(z, R, eps, t):
    return (np.abs(R)**t - np.abs(z / eps)**t)**(1/t)

def inner_integrand(theta, q, R, eps, t):
    inner = lambda z: (r(z, R, eps, t)
                * j1(q * r(z, R, eps, t) * np.sin(theta)) 
                * np.cos(q * z * np.cos(theta)))
    return (1 / np.sin(theta) * quad_vec(inner, 0, R * eps, epsabs=5, epsrel=5, quadrature="gk15")[0])**2

def Iq(q, sld, sld_solvent, R, eps, t):

    inner = lambda theta: inner_integrand(theta, q, R, eps, t) * np.sin(theta)
    V2P = quad_vec(inner, 0, np.pi / 2, epsabs=5, epsrel=5, quadrature="gk15")[0]

    return V2P * (4 * (sld - sld_solvent) * np.pi / q)**2

# Vectorize the function
Iq.vectorized = True

# include tests for your model
tests = [
     [{}, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5], [4.15571325e+10, 1.43440871e+09, 6.00644471e+08, 8.24624104e+07, 7.17101120e+07]],
     [{'eps': 1., 't': 7.}, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5], [3.81807309e+10, 6.05532290e+08, 5.11919070e+08, 5.42343458e+07, 4.60311610e+07]],
     [{}, 0.1, None, None, 50., None, 1.],
     [{"@S": "hardsphere"}, 0.1, None],
     [{"@S": "hardsphere"}, 0.1, None, {"S_eff(Q)": ...}]

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