- Categories
- Ellipsoid
- core_shell_ellipsoid_tied and core_shell_ellipsoid_repar
- core_shell_ellipsoid_repar.py
core_shell_ellipsoid_tied and core_shell_ellipsoid_repar - core_shell_ellipsoid_repar.py
from numpy import inf
from sasmodels.core import reparameterize
# for full instructions see reparametrerize in sasmodels/sasmodels/core.py
parameters = [
# name, units, default, [min, max], type, description
["vol_dry_shell_over_core", "None", 0.75, [0, inf], "volume", "volume ratio of dry shell to core"],
["sld_dry_shell", "1e-6/Ang^2", 1, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Dry shell scattering length density"],
["f_solvent_in_shell", "None", 0.3, [0.0, 0.99], "volume", "Local volume fraction of solvent in wet shell"],
translation = """
thick_shell = solve_shell_v3(radius_equat_core, x_core, vol_dry_shell_over_core, x_polar_shell, f_solvent_in_shell)
sld_shell = f_solvent_in_shell*sld_solvent + (1-f_solvent_in_shell)*sld_dry_shell
# *insert_after* controls parameter placement. By default, the new
# parameters replace the old parameters in their original position.
# Instead, you can provide a dictionary *{'par': 'newpar1,newpar2'}*
#model_info = reparameterize('core_shell_ellipsoid', parameters, translation, __file__, source=['cubic_solve_reparam3.c'])
model_info = reparameterize('core_shell_ellipsoid', parameters, translation, __file__,insert_after=
# Note: adding unit tests using the following:
model_info.tests = [
# first replicate all five tests from core_shell_ellipsoid (used a separate spreadsheet and debug prints from cubic_solve)
[{'radius_equat_core': 200.0,
'x_core': 0.1,
#'thick_shell': 50.0,
'x_polar_shell': 0.2,
'sld_core': 2.0,
'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
'sld_solvent': 6.3,
'background': 0.001,
'scale': 1.0,
}, 1.0, 0.00189402],
# tests with larger range of parameters as per core_shell_ellipsoid
[{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
'x_core': 3.0,
#'thick_shell': 30.0,
'x_polar_shell': 1.0,
'sld_core': 2.0,
'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
'sld_solvent': 6.3,
'background': 0.01,
'scale': 1.0,}, 0.1, 11.6915],
[{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
'x_core': 200.0,
# 'thick_shell': 54.0, - this case has +ve determinant
'x_polar_shell': 3.0,
'sld_core': 20.0,
'sld_dry_shell': 10.0,
'sld_solvent': 6.0,
'background': 0.0,
'scale': 1.0,
}, 0.01, 8688.53],
# 2D tests as per core_shell_ellipsoid
[{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
'x_core': 3.0,
#'thick_shell': 30.0,
'x_polar_shell': 1.0,
'sld_core': 2.0,
'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
'sld_solvent': 6.3,
'background': 0.001,
'theta': 90.0,
'phi': 0.0,
}, (0.4, 0.5), 0.00690673],
[{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
'x_core': 200.0,
#'thick_shell': 54.0,
'x_polar_shell': 3.0,
'sld_core': 20.0,
'sld_dry_shell': 10.0,
'sld_solvent': 6.0,
'background': 0.01,
'scale': 0.01,
'theta': 90.0,
'phi': 0.0,
}, (0.0866025403, 0.05), 0.01000025],
# 1D using new parameters - not checked by other means
[{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
'x_core': 3.0,
# 'thick_shell': try 7.88356 with x-polar_shell=0.5 - this case has +ve determinant
'x_polar_shell': 0.5,
'sld_core': 2.0,
'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
'sld_solvent': 6.3,
'background': 0.01,
}, 0.025, 26.45088379],
# 1D using new parameters - not checked by other means
[{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
'x_core': 3.0,
# 'thick_shell': try 50.0 with x-polar_shell=0.0 - this case is quadratic
'x_polar_shell': 0.0,
'sld_core': 2.0,
'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
'sld_solvent': 6.3,
'background': 0.01,
}, 0.05, 11.83784036],
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