- Categories
- Sphere
- Superparamagnetic Core-Shell Spheres
- magnetic_langevin_core_shell.c
Superparamagnetic Core-Shell Spheres - magnetic_langevin_core_shell.c
static double clipp(double value, double low, double high) //from kernel_iq.c
return (value < low ? low : (value > high ? high : value));
static double langevin(
double x) {
// cotanh(x)-1x
if (x < 0.00001) {
// avoid dividing by zero
return 1.0/3.0*x;
} else {
return 1.0/tanh(x)-1/x;
static double langevinoverx(
double x) {
// cotanh(x)-1x
if (x < 0.00001) {
// avoid dividing by zero
return 1.0/3.0;
} else {
return langevin(x)/x;
//from coremultishell.c
static double
outer_radius(double radius, double fp_n, double thickness[])
double r = radius;
int n = (int)(fp_n+0.5);
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
r += thickness[i];
return r;
static double
form_volume(double radius, double fp_n, double thickness[])
return M_4PI_3 * cube(outer_radius(radius, fp_n, thickness));
effective_radius(int mode, double core_radius, double fp_n, double thickness[])
switch (mode) {
case 1: // outer radius
return outer_radius(core_radius, fp_n, thickness);
case 2: // core radius
return core_radius;
static double fqnucsq(double q, double sld_core, double radius,
double sld_solvent, double fp_n, double sld[], double thickness[])
const int n = (int)(fp_n+0.5);
double f, r, last_sld;
r = radius;
last_sld = sld_core;
f = 0.;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * (sld[i] - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);
last_sld = sld[i];
r += thickness[i];
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * (sld_solvent - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);
return 1e-4 *f*f;
static double fqMtranssq(double q, double sld_core, double radius,
double sld_solvent, double fp_n, double sld[], double thickness[],double eta_core,double eta_solvent,double eta[], double delta_solvent,double delta[])
const int n = (int)(fp_n+0.5);
double f,fsq_perp, r, last_sld;
r = radius;
last_sld = sld_core*sqrt(langevinoverx(eta_core));
f = 0.;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) *(sld[i]*sqrt(langevinoverx(eta[i])*delta[i]) - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);//transversal magnetisation component coaligned with core transversal magnetisation
fsq_perp += square(M_4PI_3 * cube(r) *sld[i]*sqrt(langevinoverx(eta[i])*(1-delta[i])) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r));//transversal magnetisation component perpendicular with core transversal magnetisation, adding incoherently (only of squared amplitude)
last_sld = sld[i]*sqrt(langevinoverx(eta[i])*delta[i]);
r += thickness[i];
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * (sld_solvent*sqrt(langevinoverx(eta_solvent)*delta_solvent) - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);//transversal magnetisation component coaligned with core magnetisation
fsq_perp += square(M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * sld_solvent*sqrt(langevinoverx(eta_solvent)*(1-delta_solvent)) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r));
return 1e-4 *(f*f +fsq_perp);
static double fqMzsq(double q, double sld_core, double radius,
double sld_solvent, double fp_n, double sld[], double thickness[],double eta_core,double eta_solvent,double eta[])
const int n = (int)(fp_n+0.5);
double f, r, last_sld;
r = radius;
last_sld = sld_core*sqrt(1-2*langevinoverx(eta_core));// sqrt() needed for correct scale to intensity later
f = 0.;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * (sld[i]*sqrt(1-2*langevinoverx(eta[1])) - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);
last_sld = sld[i]*sqrt(1-2*langevinoverx(eta[i]));
r += thickness[i];
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * (sld_solvent*sqrt(1-2*langevinoverx(eta_solvent)) - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);
return 1e-4 *f*f;
static double fqnuc(double q, double sld_core, double radius,
double sld_solvent, double fp_n, double sld[], double thickness[])
const int n = (int)(fp_n+0.5);
double f, r, last_sld;
r = radius;
last_sld = sld_core;
f = 0.;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * (sld[i] - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);
last_sld = sld[i];
r += thickness[i];
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * (sld_solvent - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);
return 1e-2 *f;
static double fqMz(double q, double sld_core, double radius,
double sld_solvent, double fp_n, double sld[], double thickness[],double eta_core,double eta_solvent,double eta[])
const int n = (int)(fp_n+0.5);
double f, r, last_sld;
r = radius;
last_sld = sld_core*langevin(eta_core);
f = 0.;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * (sld[i]*langevin(eta[i]) - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);
last_sld = sld[i]*langevin(eta[i]);
r += thickness[i];
f += M_4PI_3 * cube(r) * (sld_solvent*langevin(eta_solvent) - last_sld) * sas_3j1x_x(q*r);
return 1e-2 *f;
//Magnetization component wrt to field are fixed and defined by Langevin function.
//M_z= langevin(xi)
//z axis oriented always along field/polarisation axis.
//Calculation of the 4 spin-resolved scattering cross sections for superparamagnetic spheres, field perpendicular to beam
//TODO Next step free rotation of polarisation/field!!!!
//Field is set horizontal.
//Theta is angle from field to q-vector
//!!!! define theta
//spin-resolved (POLARIS) cross sections
//NSF++ = (F_N - Mz Sin(t)^2)^2+ My^2 Sin(t)^2 Cos(t)^2
static double Idd(double q, double sld_core,double magnetic_sld_core,double eta_core,double radius,
double sld_solvent,double magnetic_sld_solvent,double eta_solvent,double delta_solvent,
double fp_n, double sld[],double magnetic_sld[],double eta[], double delta[], double thickness[], double cos_theta, double sin_theta) {
return fqnucsq(q, sld_core, radius, sld_solvent, fp_n, sld, thickness) -2*fqnuc(q, sld_core, radius, sld_solvent, fp_n, sld, thickness)*fqMz(q, magnetic_sld_core, radius, magnetic_sld_solvent, fp_n, magnetic_sld, thickness,eta_core,eta_solvent,eta)* square(sin_theta)+fqMzsq(q, magnetic_sld_core, radius, magnetic_sld_solvent, fp_n, magnetic_sld, thickness,eta_core,eta_solvent,eta)*square(square(sin_theta))+fqMtranssq(q, magnetic_sld_core, radius, magnetic_sld_solvent, fp_n, magnetic_sld, thickness,eta_core,eta_solvent,eta, delta_solvent,delta)*square(sin_theta*cos_theta);
//NSF-- =(F_N + M_z Sin(t)^2)^2+ My^2 Sin(t)^2 Cos(t)^2
static double Iuu(double q, double sld_core,double magnetic_sld_core,double eta_core,double radius,
double sld_solvent,double magnetic_sld_solvent,double eta_solvent,double delta_solvent,
double fp_n, double sld[],double magnetic_sld[],double eta[], double delta[], double thickness[], double cos_theta, double sin_theta) {
return fqnucsq(q, sld_core, radius, sld_solvent, fp_n, sld, thickness) +2*
fqnuc(q, sld_core, radius, sld_solvent, fp_n, sld, thickness)*fqMz(q, magnetic_sld_core, radius, magnetic_sld_solvent, fp_n, magnetic_sld, thickness,eta_core,eta_solvent,eta)* square(sin_theta)+ fqMzsq(q, magnetic_sld_core, radius, magnetic_sld_solvent, fp_n, magnetic_sld,thickness,eta_core,eta_solvent,eta)*square(square(sin_theta))+ fqMtranssq(q, magnetic_sld_core, radius, magnetic_sld_solvent, fp_n,magnetic_sld, thickness,eta_core,eta_solvent,eta, delta_solvent,delta)*square(sin_theta*cos_theta);
//Spin-Flip=Mx^2 + My^2 Cos^4(t) + Mz^2 Sin(t)^2 Cos(t)^2
static double Idu(double q, double sld_core,double magnetic_sld_core,double eta_core,double radius,
double sld_solvent,double magnetic_sld_solvent,double eta_solvent,double delta_solvent,
double fp_n, double sld[],double magnetic_sld[],double eta[], double delta[], double thickness[], double cos_theta, double sin_theta) {
return fqMtranssq(q, magnetic_sld_core, radius, magnetic_sld_solvent, fp_n, magnetic_sld,thickness,eta_core,eta_solvent,eta, delta_solvent,delta)*(1+square(square(cos_theta)))+fqMzsq(q, magnetic_sld_core, radius, magnetic_sld_solvent, fp_n,magnetic_sld, thickness,eta_core,eta_solvent,eta)* square(sin_theta* cos_theta);
static double Iud(double q, double sld_core,double magnetic_sld_core,double eta_core,double radius,
double sld_solvent,double magnetic_sld_solvent,double eta_solvent,double delta_solvent,
double fp_n, double sld[],double magnetic_sld[],double eta[], double delta[], double thickness[], double cos_theta, double sin_theta) {
return Idu(q, sld_core,magnetic_sld_core, eta_core, radius, sld_solvent,magnetic_sld_solvent, eta_solvent,delta_solvent,
fp_n, sld,magnetic_sld,eta,delta, thickness, cos_theta, sin_theta);
//weighting of spin resolved cross sections to reconstruct partially polarised beam with imperfect optics using up_i/up_f.
static void set_weights(double in_spin, double out_spin, double weight[4]) //from kernel_iq.c
double norm=out_spin;
in_spin = clipp(sqrt(square(in_spin)), 0.0, 1.0);//opencl has ambiguities for abs()
out_spin = clipp(sqrt(square(out_spin)), 0.0, 1.0);
if (out_spin < 0.5){norm=1-out_spin;}
// The norm is needed to make sure that the scattering cross sections are
//correctly weighted, such that the sum of spin-resolved measurements adds up to
// the unpolarised or half-polarised scattering cross section. No intensity weighting
// needed on the incoming polariser side assuming that a user has normalised
// to the incoming flux with polariser in for SANSPOl and unpolarised beam, respectively.
weight[0] = (1.0-in_spin) * (1.0-out_spin) / norm; // dd
weight[1] = (1.0-in_spin) * out_spin / norm; // du
weight[2] = in_spin * (1.0-out_spin) / norm; // ud
weight[3] = in_spin * out_spin / norm; // uu
//calculate 2D from _fq
static double
Iqxy(double qx, double qy, double sld_core,double magnetic_sld_core,double eta_core,double radius,
double sld_solvent,double magnetic_sld_solvent,double eta_solvent,double delta_solvent,
double fp_n, double sld[],double magnetic_sld[],double eta[], double delta[], double thickness[], double up_i, double up_f)
const double q = sqrt(qx*qx + qy*qy);
double cos_theta=qx/q;
double sin_theta=qy/q;
double weights[8]; // uu, ud, du, dd, fill,fill, fill, fill (make memory alloc happy)
set_weights(up_i, up_f, weights);
const double form=weights[0]*Iuu(q, sld_core,magnetic_sld_core,eta_core,radius,sld_solvent,magnetic_sld_solvent,eta_solvent,delta_solvent,
fp_n, sld,magnetic_sld,eta,delta,thickness,cos_theta ,sin_theta) + weights[1]*Idu(q, sld_core,magnetic_sld_core,eta_core,radius,sld_solvent,magnetic_sld_solvent,eta_solvent,delta_solvent,
fp_n, sld,magnetic_sld,eta,delta,thickness,cos_theta ,sin_theta) + weights[2]*Iud(q, sld_core,magnetic_sld_core,eta_core,radius,sld_solvent,magnetic_sld_solvent,eta_solvent,delta_solvent,
fp_n, sld,magnetic_sld,eta,delta,thickness,cos_theta ,sin_theta) + weights[3]*Idd(q, sld_core,magnetic_sld_core,eta_core,radius,sld_solvent,magnetic_sld_solvent,eta_solvent,delta_solvent,
fp_n, sld,magnetic_sld,eta,delta,thickness,cos_theta ,sin_theta);
return form;
//calculate 1D by averaging over theta
//TODO: choose orientation and sector width for averaging
// 2D to 1D
static double
Iq(double q, double sld_core,double magnetic_sld_core,double eta_core,double radius,
double sld_solvent,double magnetic_sld_solvent,double eta_solvent,double delta_solvent,
double fp_n, double sld[],double magnetic_sld[],double eta[], double delta[], double thickness[], double up_i, double up_f)
double weights[8]; // uu, ud, du, dd, fill,fill, fill, fill (make memory alloc happy)
set_weights(up_i, up_f, weights);
double sin_theta, cos_theta; // slots to hold sincos function output of the orientation on the detector plane
double total_F2 = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<GAUSS_N ;i++) {
const double theta = M_PI * (GAUSS_Z[i] + 1.0); // 0 .. 2 pi
SINCOS(theta, sin_theta, cos_theta);
const double form = weights[0]*Iuu(q, sld_core,magnetic_sld_core,eta_core,radius,sld_solvent,magnetic_sld_solvent,eta_solvent,delta_solvent,
fp_n, sld,magnetic_sld,eta,delta,thickness,cos_theta ,sin_theta) + weights[1]*Idu(q, sld_core,magnetic_sld_core,eta_core,radius,sld_solvent,magnetic_sld_solvent,eta_solvent,delta_solvent,
fp_n, sld,magnetic_sld,eta,delta,thickness,cos_theta ,sin_theta) + weights[2]*Iud(q, sld_core,magnetic_sld_core,eta_core,radius,sld_solvent,magnetic_sld_solvent,eta_solvent,delta_solvent,
fp_n, sld,magnetic_sld,eta,delta,thickness,cos_theta ,sin_theta) + weights[3]*Idd(q, sld_core,magnetic_sld_core,eta_core,radius,sld_solvent,magnetic_sld_solvent,eta_solvent,delta_solvent,
fp_n, sld,magnetic_sld,eta,delta,thickness,cos_theta ,sin_theta);
total_F2 += GAUSS_W[i] * form ;
//convert from [1e-12 A-1] to [cm-1]
return 0.5*total_F2;
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