WoodSAS - woodsas.py



This model is tailored for fitting the equatorial intensity profile from wood samples (Penttila et al., 2019). The model consists of three independent contributions:
1) Scattering in the plane perpendicular to the long axis of infinite cylinders packed in a hexagonal lattice with paracrystalline distortion (based on Hashimoto et al., 1994)
2) Gaussian function centered at $q = 0$
3) Power law scattering

The fitted function is
[ I(q) = A I_{cyl}(q,ar{R},Delta R/ar{R},a,Delta a /a) + B exp{-q^2/(2sigma^2)} + C q^{-alpha} + background ,]
where the cylinder radius $R$ has a Gaussian distribution with mean $ar{R}$ and standard deviation $Delta R$, and the paracrystalline distortion of the distance $a$ between the cylinders' center points is characterized by $Delta a$. 

The cylinder contribution is
[ I_{cyl}(q) = frac{1}{2pi} int_{0}^{2pi} I_{perp}(q,psi) dpsi , ]
where $psi$ is the rotational angle around the cylinder axis and 
[ I_{perp}(q,psi) = leftlangle left| f^2 
angle - left| leftlangle f 
ight| ^2 + left| leftlangle f 
ight| ^2 Z_1 Z_2 .]

The form factor of an infinitely long cylinder is
[ f(q, R) = A_{cyl} frac{J_1(qR)}{qR} = pi R frac{J_1(qR)}{q} ,]
where $J_1$ is the Bessel function of the first kind and $A_{cyl}$ the cross-sectional area of the cylinder. 

The terms with averaging are 
[  leftlangle left| f^2(q) 
angle = frac{int_{0}^{infty} P(R) f^2(q,R) dR }{int_{0}^{infty} P(R) dR} ]
[ left| leftlangle f(q) 
ight| ^2 = left( frac{int_{0}^{infty} P(R) f(q,R) dR }{int_{0}^{infty} P(R) dR} 
ight)^2 ,]
where the Gaussian distribution of the radius is
[ P(R) propto exp left[ -frac{(R-ar{R})^2}{2(Delta R)^2} 

The paracrystalline lattice factors $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ for a hexagonal lattice with lattice vectors a$_1$ and a$_2$ are
[ Z_k(q) = frac{1- left| F_k 
ight|^2}{1 - 2left| F_k 
ight| cos(mathbf{q cdot a_k}) + left| F_k 
ight|^2} ,]
[ left| F_k 
ight| = exp left{ -frac{1}{2} left( Delta a/a 
ight)^2 left[ left( mathbf{q cdot a_1 } 
ight)^2 + left( mathbf{q cdot a_2 } 
ight} ,]
[ mathbf{q cdot a_1} = -a q cos{(psi-frac{pi}{6})} ,]
[ mathbf{q cdot a_2 } = a q sin{psi} .]

The lattice factor $Z_k(q)$ has been modified according to Penttila et al, 2019:
[ Z_k =egin{cases}
Z_k(q_0), & 	ext{if $q leq  7.061 	imes 10^{-5} a^2 - 0.007413a + 0.2465$} \
Z_k(q) 	ext{ as in Hashimoto et al., 1994}, & 	ext{if $q> 7.061 	imes 10^{-5} a^2 - 0.007413a + 0.2465$}

A detailed description of the model is given in reference Penttila et al., 2019.

For the model to work properly, the scaling parameter of SasView should be fixed to 1.0 and $da/a$ should be larger than 0. The output intensity is given in arbitrary units (not in cm$^{-1}$!).


Hashimoto, T., Kawamura, T., Harada, M., & Tanaka, H. (1994). Macromolecules, 27, 3063-3072. DOI: 10.1021/ma00089a025
Penttila, P. A., Rautkari, R., Osterberg, M., & Schweins, R. (2019). Journal of Applied Crystallography, 52. DOI: 10.1107/S1600576719002012

Authorship and Verification

* **Author:** Paavo Penttila **Date:** March 15, 2019

from numpy import cos, sin, exp, square, divide, multiply, linspace, power, pi, zeros, inf
from scipy.special import j1
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from scipy.stats import norm

name = "woodsas"
title = "Model tailored for wood samples, based on hexagonally packed cylinders"
description = """
    I(q) = A_scale*I_cyl(q,radius,dR_ratio,a,da_ratio) + 
           B_scale*exp[-q^2/(2*sigma^2)] + 
           C_scale*q^(-alpha) + background

    I_cyl(q): Scattering in the plane perpendicular to the long axis of infinite 
              cylinders packed in a hexagonal lattice with paracrystalline distortion

    List of parameters:
    scale = 1.0 (do not change)
    background = Constant background
    A_scale = Scaling factor of cylinders
    radius = Mean cylinder radius
    dR_ratio = Polydispersity of cylinder radius
    a = Distance between cylinder axes in hexagonal lattice
    da_ratio = Relative paracrystallline lattice distortion
    B_scale = Scaling factor of Gaussian function
    sigma = Width parameter of Gaussian function
    C_scale = Scaling factor of power law
    alpha = Power law exponent

    Output in arbitrary units

category = "shape:cylinder"

single = True

openCL = False

structure_factor = False

# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace, line-too-long
#   ["name",        "units", default, [min, max], "type",    "description"],
parameters = [
    ["A_scale", "arb. u.", 1, [0, inf], "", "Scaling constant for cylinders"],
    ["radius", "Ang", 13, [5, 15], "", "Mean cylinder radius"],
    ["dR_ratio", "None", 0.2, [0.1, 0.3], "", "dR/R"],
    ["a", "Ang", 40, [15, 50], "", "Distance a"],
    ["da_ratio", "None", 0.35, [0.1, 0.5], "", "da/a"],
    ["B_scale", "arb. u.", 0, [0, inf], "", "Gaussian scaling constant"],
    ["sigma", "1/Ang", 0.01, [0.01, 0.1], "", "Gaussian width"],
    ["C_scale", "arb. u.", 1e-8, [0, inf], "", "Power law scaling constant"],
    ["alpha", "None", 4, [3, 5], "", "Power law exponent"]
# pylint: enable=bad-whitespace, line-too-long

def calc_Zq( q, a, da_ratio, phi):
    # Eqs. 11, 12 in Penttila et al. (2019):
    qa1 = -a*q*cos(phi-pi/6.)
    qa2 = a*q*sin( phi )
    # Eq. 10 in Penttila et al. (2019):
    F_abs = exp( -0.5 * (da_ratio)**2 * ( square( qa1 ) + square( qa2 ) ))
    # Eq. 9 in Penttila et al. (2019):
    Z1 = divide( 1 - square(F_abs) ,  1 - 2*F_abs*cos(qa1) + square(F_abs) )
    Z2 = divide( 1 - square(F_abs) ,  1 - 2*F_abs*cos(qa2) + square(F_abs) )    
    return multiply(Z1,Z2)

def calc_f( q, radius ):
    qR = q*radius
    return pi*square(radius) * divide( j1(qR), qR )

def Iq(q, A_scale, radius, dR_ratio, a, da_ratio, B_scale, sigma, C_scale, alpha):
# q is a single value, dR_ratio=dR/R, da_ratio=da/a
# Based on Hashimoto et al. (1994) and Penttila et al. (2019)

    dR = dR_ratio*radius
    phi = linspace(0,2*pi,1001)
    # Eq. 13 in Penttila et al. (2019):
    if q > 7.061e-05*a**2 - 0.007413*a + 0.2465:# force ZZ to a finite value at low q
        ZZ = calc_Zq( q, a, da_ratio, phi)
        ZZ = calc_Zq( 7.061e-05*a**2 - 0.007413*a + 0.2465, a, da_ratio, phi)
    if dR == 0: # special case for monodisperse cylinder radius
        f_abs_sq_av = square( calc_f( q, radius ) )
        f_av_abs_sq = f_abs_sq_av
        # Gaussian distribution with 11 points between mean+-3*sigma, cut away negative values
        R_all = linspace(radius-3*dR, radius+3*dR, num = 11)
        R_all = R_all[R_all > 0]
        # Eq. 8 in Penttila et al. (2019):
        PR = norm.pdf(R_all, loc=radius, scale=dR)
        fqR_all = calc_f(q, R_all)        
        # Eqs. 6, 7 in Penttila et al. (2019)
        trapzPR = trapz( PR, R_all )
        f_abs_sq_av = trapz( PR * square( fqR_all ), R_all ) / trapzPR
        f_av_abs_sq  = square( trapz( PR * fqR_all, R_all ) / trapzPR )
    # Eq. 4 in Penttila et al. (2019):
    Iperp_q_phi =  f_abs_sq_av - f_av_abs_sq + f_av_abs_sq * ZZ

    # Intensity perpendicular to the cylinder axis (Eq. 3 in Penttila et al. (2019)):
    Iperp = A_scale/(2*pi)*trapz( Iperp_q_phi, phi )

    Iperp /= (pi*power(radius,4))# to scale approximately I(0)=1 (arbitrary units)
    Iperp += B_scale*norm.pdf(q, loc=0, scale=sigma)/norm.pdf(0, loc=0, scale=sigma)
    Iperp += C_scale * power(q, -alpha)
    return Iperp

Iq.vectorized = False

demo = dict(scale=1., background=0.05, A_scale=1., radius=13, 
      dR_ratio=0.2, a=40, a_ratio=0.35, B_scale=0.1, sigma=0.04,
      C_scale=1e-8, alpha=4.)

tests = [
    [{"scale": 1., "background": 0.05, "A_scale": 1., "radius": 13, 
      "dR_ratio": 0.2, "a": 40, "a_ratio": 0.35,
      "B_scale": 0.1, "sigma": 0.04,
      "C_scale": 1e-8, "alpha": 4.},0.08,0.341487],
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