core_shell_ellipsoid_tied and core_shell_ellipsoid_repar -


Parameters for this model are the core axial ratio X and a shell thickness,
which are more often what we would like to determine and makes the model
better behaved, particularly when polydispersity is applied than the four
independent radii used in the original parameterization of this model.

**DEVELOPMENT VERSION with constrained shell thickness and contrast, starting
from (dry shell)/ core volume ratio and local fraction of solvent in shell.
This has to solve a cubic equation on the fly for the shell thickness, so is 
not a simple parametrization of the original model.
Details below need editing!
Also need a way to tell the user what the values are for the shell thickness 
and the shell sld.**

.. figure:: img/core_shell_ellipsoid_geometry.png

The geometric parameters of this model are shown in the diagram above, which
shows (a) a cut through at the circular equator and (b) a cross section through
the poles, of a prolate ellipsoid.

When *X_core < 1* the core is oblate; when *X_core > 1* it is prolate.
*X_core = 1* is a spherical core.

For a fixed shell thickness *XpolarShell = 1*, to scale the shell thickness
pro-rata with the radius set or constrain *XpolarShell = X_core*.

When including an $S(q)$, the radius in $S(q)$ is calculated to be that of
a sphere with the same 2nd virial coefficient of the outer surface of the
ellipsoid. This may have some undesirable effects if the aspect ratio of the
ellipsoid is large (ie, if $X << 1$ or $X >> 1$ ), when the $S(q)$
- which assumes spheres - will not in any case be valid.  Generating a
custom product model will enable separate effective volume fraction and
effective radius in the $S(q)$.

If SAS data are in absolute units, and the SLDs are correct, then scale should
be the total volume fraction of the "outer particle". When $S(q)$ is introduced
this moves to the $S(q)$ volume fraction, and scale should then be 1.0, or
contain some other units conversion factor (for example, if you have SAXS data).

The calculation of intensity follows that for the solid ellipsoid, but
with separate terms for the core-shell and shell-solvent boundaries.

.. math::

    P(q,alpha) = frac{	ext{scale}}{V} F^2(q,alpha) + 	ext{background}


.. math::

    F(q,alpha) = &f(q,radius\_equat\_core,radius\_equat\_core.x\_core,alpha) \
    &+ f(q,radius\_equat\_core + thick\_shell,
         radius\_equat\_core.x\_core + thick\_shell.x\_polar\_shell,alpha)


.. math::

    f(q,R_e,R_p,alpha) = frac{3 Delta 
ho V (sin[qr(R_p,R_e,alpha)]
                - cos[qr(R_p,R_e,alpha)])}


.. math::

    r(R_e,R_p,alpha) = left[ R_e^2 sin^2 alpha
        + R_p^2 cos^2 alpha 

$alpha$ is the angle between the axis of the ellipsoid and $vec q$,
$V = (4/3)pi R_pR_e^2$ is the volume of the ellipsoid , $R_p$ is the
polar radius along the rotational axis of the ellipsoid, $R_e$ is the
equatorial radius perpendicular to the rotational axis of the ellipsoid
and $Delta 
ho$ (contrast) is the scattering length density difference,
either $(sld\_core - sld\_shell)$ or $(sld\_shell - sld\_solvent)$.

For randomly oriented particles:

.. math::


For oriented ellipsoids the *theta*, *phi* and *psi* orientation parameters
will appear when fitting 2D data, see the :ref:`elliptical-cylinder` model
for further information.

see for example:
Kotlarchyk, M.; Chen, S.-H. J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 79, 2461.
Berr, S.  J. Phys. Chem., 1987, 91, 4760.

Authorship and Verification

* **Author:** NIST IGOR/DANSE **Date:** pre 2010
* **Last Modified by:** Richard Heenan (reparametrised model) **Date:** 2015
* **Last Reviewed by:** Richard Heenan **Date:** October 6, 2016

import numpy as np
from numpy import inf, sin, cos, pi

name = "core_shell_ellipsoid_tied"
title = "Form factor for an ellipsoidal particle with a constrained core shell structure."
description = """
        [core_shell_ellipsoid_tied] Calculates the form factor for an spheroid
        ellipsoid particle with a core_shell structure.
        The form factor is averaged over all possible
        orientations of the ellipsoid such that P(q)
        = scale*<f^2>/Vol + bkg, where f is the
        single particle scattering amplitude.
category = "shape:ellipsoid"

# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace, line-too-long
#             ["name", "units", default, [lower, upper], "type", "description"],
parameters = [
    ["radius_equat_core",       "Ang",       20,   [0, inf],   "volume",    "Equatorial radius of core"],
    ["x_core",                  "None",       3,   [0, inf],    "volume",         "axial ratio of core, X = r_polar/r_equatorial"],
    ["vol_dry_shell_over_core", "None",    0.75,   [0, inf],    "volume",         "volume ratio of dry shell to core"],
    ["x_polar_shell",           "None",       1,   [0, inf],    "volume",   "ratio of thickness of shell at pole to that at equator"],
    ["sld_core",                "1e-6/Ang^2", 2,   [-inf, inf], "sld",      "Core scattering length density"],
    ["sld_dry_shell",           "1e-6/Ang^2", 1,   [-inf, inf], "sld",      "Dry shell scattering length density"],
    ["sld_solvent",             "1e-6/Ang^2", 6.3, [-inf, inf], "sld",      "Solvent scattering length density"],
    ["f_solvent_in_shell",      "None",       0.3, [0.0, 0.99], "volume",      "Local volume fraction of solvent in wet shell"],
    ["theta",                   "degrees",    0,   [-360, 360], "orientation", "ellipsoid axis to beam angle"],
    ["phi",                     "degrees",    0,   [-360, 360], "orientation", "rotation about beam"]
# pylint: enable=bad-whitespace, line-too-long

source = ["lib/sas_3j1x_x.c", "lib/gauss76.c", "cubic_solve_reparam3.c","core_shell_ellipsoid_tied.c"]
#TODO the c code is old v4 style, needs big sort out to be able to use S(Q) in v5
have_Fq = True
radius_effective_modes = [
    "average outer curvature", "equivalent volume sphere",
    "min outer radius", "max outer radius",

q = 0.1
# tests had in old coords theta=0, phi=0; new coords theta=90, phi=0
qx = q*cos(pi/6.0)
qy = q*sin(pi/6.0)
# TESTS - work in progress!  default params have thick=7.19915, excel says 7.199326;  try 7.88356 with x-polar_shell=0.5
tests = [
    # first replicate all five tests from core_shell_ellipsoid
    [{'radius_equat_core': 200.0,
      'x_core': 0.1,
      #'thick_shell': 50.0,
      'x_polar_shell': 0.2,
      'sld_core': 2.0,
      'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
      'sld_solvent': 6.3,
      'background': 0.001,
      'scale': 1.0,
     }, 1.0, 0.00189402],

    # Additional tests with larger range of parameters as per core_shell_ellipsoid
    [{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
      'x_core': 3.0,
      #'thick_shell': 30.0,
      'x_polar_shell': 1.0,
      'sld_core': 2.0,
      'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
      'sld_solvent': 6.3,
      'background': 0.01,
      'scale': 1.0,}, 0.1, 11.6915],

    [{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
      'x_core': 200.0,
#      'thick_shell': 54.0, - this case has +ve determinant
      'x_polar_shell': 3.0,
      'sld_core': 20.0,
      'sld_dry_shell': 10.0,
      'sld_solvent': 6.0,
      'background': 0.0,
      'scale': 1.0,
     }, 0.01, 8688.53],

    # 2D tests  as per core_shell_ellipsoid
    [{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
      'x_core': 3.0,
      #'thick_shell': 30.0,
      'x_polar_shell': 1.0,
      'sld_core': 2.0,
      'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
      'sld_solvent': 6.3,
      'background': 0.001,
      'theta': 90.0,
      'phi': 0.0,
     }, (0.4, 0.5), 0.00690673],

    [{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
      'x_core': 200.0,
      #'thick_shell': 54.0,
      'x_polar_shell': 3.0,
      'sld_core': 20.0,
      'sld_dry_shell': 10.0,
      'sld_solvent': 6.0,
      'background': 0.01,
      'scale': 0.01,
      'theta': 90.0,
      'phi': 0.0,
     }, (0.0866025403, 0.05), 0.01000025],

     # 1D using new parameters - not checked by other means
    [{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
      'x_core': 3.0,
#      'thick_shell': try 7.88356 with x-polar_shell=0.5 - this case has +ve determinant
      'x_polar_shell': 0.5,
      'sld_core': 2.0,
      'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
      'sld_solvent': 6.3,
      'background': 0.01,
     }, 0.025, 26.45088379],
     # 1D using new parameters - not checked by other means
    [{'radius_equat_core': 20.0,
      'x_core': 3.0,
#      'thick_shell': try 50.0 with x-polar_shell=0.0 - this case is quadratic
      'x_polar_shell': 0.0,
      'sld_core': 2.0,
      'sld_dry_shell': 1.0,
      'sld_solvent': 6.3,
      'background': 0.01,
     }, 0.05, 11.83784036],

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